The catteries in London provide amazing service.
A cattery is a place where cats are kept or temporarily breeded. It can also be referred to as a house where cats are housed temporarily when their owners cannot keep them with them for some time. Thus, it can be referred to as a boarding for cats in simple language. Most owners keep their cats in a cattery when they are away on a holiday. Here is a piece of article providing information about Cattery in London. The numbers of cats as well as catteries have increased in London recently. Another type of cattery is a breeding cattery is where cats are bred.

The Cats must be properly and sincerely looked after; else the owner(s) of the cattery might have to face legal action by the law or cat protection bodies such as the RSPCA if the owner(s) feel that is necessary.
The catteries in London provide the most trustworthy and comfortable space for your cats. You can be relieved after you leave your cats to them. You should however keep in mind that your cat should have a collar with identity and must be vaccinated against flu or any other required vaccinations must be given. They make your cats feel like home and cater to all their needs with care and professional experts.
Accommodation is not only available for single cats but also pairs and families. The prices are low but the care is professional. Many cats are not only being given shelter but are also rescued and re-homed. Professional but homely care and treatment is given to every cat. Medication and special care is also given.
The catteries in London have a warm and friendly atmosphere. All cats must be fully vaccinated before entering the cattery. All sorts of facilities from boarding, bathing, trimming to recreation are available.